All content on is my own, unless otherwise noticed. Please do not use any photographs without contacting me at In case you have any question about the content that I upload feel free to contact me.
Most products that are featured on What Pedro Said are bought with my own money. I do accept PRsamples but only if the item in question fits my blog and I would persnonally buy it. If a post contains gifted products I will disclaim that at the end of the post. I always give my honest opinions on all the products I review, and I will be 100% clear whether they worked or not for me. If a pot is sponsered I will state that withtin the blog post, but only if I liked the product an.
Most products that are featured on What Pedro Said are bought with my own money. I do accept PR
All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.
If you would like to contact me about any PR samples or sponsored posts, email me at:
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